However, her body measurement of 33-24-35 is impressive enough to make anyone feel otherwise.

Body Measurements: Height, Weight, and Size So, it is only known that she parents a daughter and a son as part of her family. The 30-year-old has kept the identity of her parents and siblings behind the curtains. Chavis nem maradt meg a volt partnerként szerzett hírnévnél, de kiemelkedik Instagram-sztárként, influencerként, vállalkozóként és fitnesz-tanácsadóként. Olyan dalairól híres, mint pl Kosárlabda, Mint te, és Hadd tartsalak meg. Family, Siblings, and Parents Joie Chavis’ daughter, Shai, and son, Hendrix | Photo Source: Joie Chavis’ Instagram Joy Chavis híresen arról ismert, hogy volt partnere Bow Wow, akinek a teljes neve Shad Gregory Moss. Nevertheless, they were in amicable terms: Future attended the baby shower and gifted his ex-beau a five-carat pink diamond ring. In late 2018 – before Christmas to be precise – Joie gave birth to her son, Hendrix. The duo had already broken up at the time Joie spoke about her pregnancy. Joie Chavis with boyfriend, Future in Baby Shower | Photo Source: bckonlineĪs the question for the baby daddy aroused, it became clear that the baby father was her boyfriend, Future.